Converts most GEN 2 Laser cartridges to a Shoot For Life system; including G-Sight, Mantis Pink Rhino (2 O-ring only), Strikeman, iTarget, CheapShot, Laser Hit, TARYAG, and Aviators Tactical.
Converting your Laser Cartridge with the QUANTUM Universal Back Cap will allow you to refresh a worn down strike surface with our patent pending replaceable strike pads. Every Laser shot is activated by the firing pin hitting the rubber strike surface. Dimpling and wear is unavoidable on your cartridge’s rubber strike surface and when that begins to noticeably affect the laser firing response, it’s time to replace your strike pad. Each QUANTUM Universal Back Cap comes with 5 additional rubber strike pads. Simply grab the two protruding ears on the rubber strike pad and pull straight out to remove it from the back cap and then insert a brand new fresh strike pad into place.