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My CCW Experience


Written by Andi Dupper; Content and Social Media Marketing

 In February I decided to join the growing number of women gun owners. I have gone shooting with different friends on a few occasions in my life, and trained at a range with a former special forces veteran twice. That had been the extent of my firearm experience. So, in deciding to become a responsible, law abiding gun owner, I decided I would take a CCW class. 

I walked into the classroom, 8am on a Saturday morning, Starbucks in hand, pen and notepad, anxiety and nerves in tact. I had zero idea what to expect. Was I walking into a room full of gun toting, know it all rebel rousers (antiquated depiction, I know, but still my mind got the better of me) that would reduce me to a meek mouse in the back of the class?

To my surprise, I walked into a room filled with other women and four men. All my nerves calmed, my demeanor changed. I was among my peers, other women looking to get their CCWs. Women who were interested in taking control of their own self defense, taking their power into their own hands.

Our class was taught by a bad ass woman too. Alex is certified by the NRA, a certified trainer for CCW trainers, a champion in Krav Maga and plenty more that I can't remember. Alex was knowledgeable, funny and made everyone in class very comfortable. And like the nerd that I am, I sat in class taking  the most detailed notes, I mean after all, there is a test at the end of all of this!

We finished up in the classroom and it was off to the range. Like I mentioned before, I've shot guns a handful of times, so I wasn't too terribly anxious about squeezing a trigger. Plus, I have been practicing with my ELMS 9mm for about 4 months. Even though I haven't been using my own gun, I was able to work on breath control, trigger pull and my aim. I learned in all that time practicing, and being able to ask Tim Larkin questions, that I am cross dominate when it comes to focusing on a target through the firearms sight. 

When it came my turn on the range to shoot, I was so confidant. I cradled that Beretta, aimed at the target and landed nearly every shot, center mass. Now, in no way do I think I am a perfect marksman. I am fully aware that I have so much more to learn, so much more training to go through to become a more proficient and ready gun owner. 

In 2020, nearly 40% of all new gun owners were first time gun owners and of that 40%, 40% were women. These women, like myself have a variety of reasons to purchase guns and get training. Whatever the reason women are a strong growing demographic and we're enjoying our guns!

I started training about a week ago on the range with Alex. My goal is to compete one day. To all the women out there that are intimidated or fearful of getting a personal gun, my advice is to move past any fear or anxiety and wake up your inner warrior!








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